Who cares about workers’ rights? The effects of violations of trade unions’ rights on donors’ funding decisions in the ILO

Published 2023-07-23
- Trade Union Rights,
- Multi-Bi Aid,
- Donor Decisions,
- ILO Supervisory System,
- Development Cooperation
- Aid Effectiveness ...More
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This paper analyses the relationship between compliance with trade union rights and donors’ aid decisions as evidenced through multi-bilateral contributions to the ILO and a database of Labour Rights’ Indicators. Despite trade union rights being a fundamental worker right that all ILO Member states must uphold, the study finds that the level of labour rights violations is not systematically related to the volume of multi-bi aid channelled through the ILO to recipient countries. Nevertheless, a substantial share of ILO’s voluntary funded programmes implemented in countries with highest labour rights violations targets the strengthening of workers’ organizations, which leads to a discussion on optimal levels of funding in such situations and on conditioning of aid allocation on normative multilateral mechanisms, such as the ILO’s supervisory body.
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