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Journal of Global Trade, Ethics and Law Accepted into ERIH PLUS Archive

We are pleased to announce that the Journal of Global Trade, Ethics and Law has been officially accepted for inclusion in the ERIH PLUS archive of the Norwegian Directorate for Higher Education and Skills. This marks a significant milestone in the journal's history, enhancing its visibility and accessibility within the global academic community.


Call for Papers 2024


The Journal of Global Trade, Ethics, and Law indicates the Call for Papers for the new 2024 volume. The theme addressed by the Journal is focused on Trade and all those related categories that deal with the topic below, such as:

- Economy

- Politics

- Law

- History (Past and Present)

For the volume, particular attention will be given to manuscripts dealing with the theme of Commercial Ethics, a theme little studied by research but which can give implications of fundamental importance to Literature.


Call for Reviewers

Become a Peer-reviewer!

The editor-in-chief would like to formally invite all interested parties to become peer reviewers for the Journal of Global Trade, Ethics and Law. The journal receives a large number of manuscript submissions and as such, the editors are taking active steps to expand the journal's reviewer pool to ensure substantive and timely feedback. These include diversifying the reviewer pool and encouraging younger colleagues to offer their expertise. Learn more about the journal's peer review process, qualifications, and benefits below...


Introducing the new Journal

Dear Reader,

Thanks to the collaboration of Professors from the best university circles in the field of academic research intent on boosting the research and study of trade, we are pleased to announce the launch of the Journal of Global Trade, Ethics and Law; a new journal that aims to publish trade-focused scientific articles....
