Scopus Elsevier Trade Ethic Law Economic Politic History Taylor and Francis Journal Submission Free Fast no APC Open Access WoS Article

About the Journal

ISSN 2977-0025

Journal of Global Trade, Ethics and Law is an international, multidisciplinary, peer-reviewed, double-blind academic journal that aims to examine trade in its economical, political, legal and moral aspects.

In this vein, in addition to analysing the issues of global markets and trade in economic, political and legal terms, the journal aims to examine aspects of ethics in these contexts, with the goal of developing and emphasising new and more vibrant research in the study of international trade and related fields and how they address ongoing moral transformations.

The commitment to fair and ethical research leads the members and readers of the journal to reflect and actively support high academic standards steeped in ideas and curiosity, providing new knowledge to future human minds and supporting societies in their change and progress.