Journal of Global Trade, Ethics and Law Accepted into ERIH PLUS Archive


            Announcement: Journal of Global Trade, Ethics and Law Accepted into ERIH PLUS Archive

We are pleased to announce that the Journal of Global Trade, Ethics and Law has been officially accepted for inclusion in the ERIH PLUS archive of the Norwegian Directorate for Higher Education and Skills. This marks a significant milestone in the journal's history, enhancing its visibility and accessibility within the global academic community.

ERIH PLUS (European Reference Index for the Humanities and Social Sciences) is a prestigious database that has been instrumental in promoting high-quality research across Europe and beyond. Established to ensure the quality and credibility of scholarly publications, ERIH PLUS serves as a trusted resource for researchers, educators, and policy-makers. The inclusion of our journal in this archive underscores our commitment to upholding the highest standards of academic integrity and scholarly excellence.

With this acceptance, articles published in the Journal of Global Trade, Ethics and Law that have a DOI from Crossref will be automatically harvested by the ERIH PLUS article search service. While it may take a few months for our journal to be fully integrated into the ERIH PLUS article search due to periodic updates, this inclusion ensures that our research contributions will be readily accessible to a wider audience.

We extend our gratitude to our contributors, reviewers, and editorial team for their continued support and dedication, which have made this achievement possible.

To view the ERIH PLUS listing of our journal, please visit: ERIH PLUS Listing.

For more information about ERIH PLUS, please visit their official website at ERIH PLUS.


The Editorial Team
Journal of Global Trade, Ethics and Law